Introduction, Friendship City Projects
Since 1984 FCP has been working with the people of the Jalapa Valley to bring clean potable water to rural communities.
In October 2018 Rotary International approved a Global Grant for the restoration and expansion of the water system for the community of El Siuce.
El Siuce is a remote area in the mountains of Jalapa. The community has received clean water clay filters co-sponsored by Boulder Valley Rotary and FCP in two installments in January and March 2018 so that families have access to potable water during the fundraising process and until the project is completed. Access to clean, potable water has great health and economic impacts. Aside from preventing water-borne diseases, access to potable water saves on health care costs, provides a basis for job and income security through preventing missing work, furthers education by ensuring fewer sickness-related absences, and allows reinvestment in community from these earnings and savings.
As with all our water projects, the community of El Siuce shares in the cost of building both by volunteering labor and contributing financially. Increasing health and saving abilities is iterative to the process of the community sharing in the cost of the water system.